About Us

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Atlanta America - Innovated Products for  a better world.
Unique appliances that will enhance living in our world. Wood pellet stoves that use waste to heat our homes with dry comfortable energy and protect our environment .
Cabin Appliances, like propane refrigerator, freezers and lights  will give you the comforts of modern living when you are away at your weekend retreat.
When you do not have 240 V, when no venting options are available for your dryer and when space is limited, then our washer dryer combo will be your answer.  Unlimited, instant hot water heaters that will last for decades and will give you unlimited supply of hot water in a super compact heater.

Our History
Evolved from the need of protecting our environment and saving energy, from the need for baby boomers to live in comfort even when they are  away at their  cabins and lodges - the continually rising energy costs, forces our people to look for alternative energy,

Future Plans
Continually looking ahead, Atlanta America is striving to give you the best innovated appliances.  We want you to be different, we want you to have a product that is different and unique. We want you to offer something that still has value and something that your customers are looking for and appreciate.
Contact us for more info



Contact us
Atlanta America
CIL Forwarding
8 Santa Fe Way #803
Cranbury, NJ 08837

Innovated Products For A Better World
The Best Products - The Best Prices.

Pellet Stove
Hearth Pads
Pellet Stove Parts
Propane Refrigerator